Clean up on Isle 3….

It was Tuesday December 27th. Just two days after Christmas when NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne decided to head to the supermarket for some grub.  Upon entering said grocery store Kahne witnessed something that disturbed him and wanted to fill his fans in on what he had just witnessed. Little did he know the madness that was about to rein upon him from fans and other onlookers from those few tweets.

After his tweets he received some tweets agreeing and laughing at what he had said and others criticizing his outspokenness on the “topic” at hand. When anyone in his situation would have reacted the same way. He’s now coming under fire for being against breastfeeding in public and receiving comments from people about this wanting newborns to go hungry. Obviously when tweeting this Kahne was not stating a distaste for breastfeeding a child or anything such as that. Just reacting to the unexpected when walking into a grocery store.

When someone in a higher profile position says something controversial via a public domain it’s usually a PR nightmare. Social media has really pushed the “public domain” into a new realm and this year has been especially testing for NASCAR drivers in particular.  First Kurt Busch with his “tantrums” being posting via YouTube and now this Twitter mishap for Kahne. Connecting with fans is one of the great things about social media, you can seemingly talk to your favorite movie stars, athletes and musicians. These recent flubs by these gentlemen have proved something to everyone, as much as social media works for you it can also work against you. So what do you think? Do people with “celebrity” status keep their opinions to themselves and strictly talk about “work” topics, or do you want to know their opinions and personalities?  Remember you are responsible for what you say. You are not, however, responsible for what others understand. Let us know what you think below.